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How We Handle Violations
Failure to comply with ANY of the Forum rules may result in disciplinary actions being taken against you, up to and including a ban on your forum account. These actions are usually as follows, though the moderators may, at our discretion, skip steps as we deem necessary:

- For the first Infraction, a warning may be sent via private message (PM) and the offending post is modified or deleted.

- For the second Infraction, a warning may be posted in the thread(s) or other "public" place.

- Third Infraction and it’s 3 strikes you’re out. The result is usually a permanent ban, although temporary bans of varying duration may be given on occasion, but only when we're convinced that the person getting banned just needs a lesson, but will play nice when they return

- After banning, we will frequently edit the banee's title to reflect why they are banned.

- If you're banned, do not register with another ID.

- The forum Administrators and Moderators retain the right to modify, edit, move, or delete any posts made on the forum by virtue of their position and in compliance with the aforementioned standards. Further, if you continually or repeatedly violate the rules of the forum, your account may be banned.

Signatures & Avatars
1. Custom signatures are enabled, but any graphics used in such signatures are limited to a 20K file size with dimensions no larger than 500 pixels x 200 pixels .

2. Signatures are limited to a height of six lines of regular text, including blank lines, or the equivalent size in picture, or picture/text combination.

3. There is currently no system to automatically check for signature size limits, so Admins and Moderators will be checking manually. Should your sig be found in violation, you will be asked to fix it; if you don't comply, it may be removed without warning. It is your responsibility to edit your sig and bring it within compliance.

4. Custom avatars are allowed, subject to a limit of a 8K file size and a 100x100 pixel image size. These limits are enforced automatically; the system will not allow you to upload an avatar image that exceeds them.

5. Banners or information linking to vendor sites ARE NOT ALLOWED in signatures unless the vendor being listed is a paying site vendor.

6. Signature and avatar content is subject to the same rules as forum posts. As a rule of thumb, if we won't allow it in a thread, it's not allowed in a signature. Moderators reserve the right to edit or remove any signature, avatar, or avatar caption as we deem necessary.

7. No suggestive avatars of any sort. This is an AUTOMOTIVE website, suggestive material can be found so many places on the internet it doesn't need to be here too.
User Conduct
1. Keep in mind that this is not a democracy. We have the right to refuse service to anyone.

2. Attacks on moderators will not be tolerated, and may result in an immediate permanent ban. Moderators sometimes have to make difficult judgment calls, but remember we *are* human (well at least most of us are!) Hopefully we'll make decisions that are considered "correct" by the majority of the community.

3. Personal attacks against other forum members will not be tolerated, nor will any type of "trolling" for a fight. This includes political attacks, slurs, or sneering at any viewpoint or political party.

4. This is not a flame war site, so please do not engage in such. No distinction will be made between the instigator and those who merely participate.

5. No racist, homophobic, or misogynistic remarks, including derogatory slang, be it overt or covert, will be tolerated.

6. Be respectful. This is harder to define, but will be moderated. An example would be disrespecting Oldsmobile owners who chose an automatic transmission over a manual, and "sneering" at them or acting like they're idiots for the choice they made. A certain amount of generalities can be acceptable (i.e. "little cars with fart pipes sound crappy" or "let's not talk about Chebbies or Ferds here"). As we all know there is a certain amount of pride in any particular forum for the subject automobile of that forum. If a moderator believes you are being purposefully disrespectful to a fellow member, you will be notified. Bashing for the sake of bashing will not be tolerated.

7. Don't make slanderous accusations. If you have a problem with another member or business, and cannot prove it absolutely, don’t bring in into the forum. It could be treated as grounds for a lawsuit if you do. Provide your proof in any such posts. Post with accusations but no proof will be deleted, and the poster will be notified.

8. No sexually explicit material, nudity, or graphic violence are to be posted. The rule of thumb is that if it's something you wouldn't see on network TV, don't post it. The forum strives to maintain a welcoming and family type atmosphere for its members. Any attempts, overt or covert, to undermine this goal will not be tolerated.

9. If you are posting a new thread, do not use vulgarity in the title of the thread. Inside a thread, profanity will only be allowed if used in a controlled manner, and not directed at a particular forum member. Again, just try and be respectful of other forum members.

10. Do not post a thread solely aimed at getting the attention of another forum member (i.e. posting ATTENTION JOHN DOE!) The forum provides a private messaging system for contacting individual forum members.

11. Posts soliciting for multilevel marking schemes (e.g. Free Ipod or similar) are not allowed, nor are any posts soliciting donations for ANY reason without special permission from forum Administration.

12. Multiple posts about the same thing across many forums are considered "spamming" the site and may result in the poster being banned.

13. Allowable sales of items must be done via our Classified section, and users must read and agree to the Classifed Section Rules (below).

14. Please include a descriptive subject for your thread. People shouldn't have to open the thread to find out what the topic is!

15. has a very useful search feature. Many questions that new members might have will already have been answered - we recommend that you do a search first before posting a question.

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